10 Things We Learned About Marketing This Year - Carney
The Daily Carnage

10 Things We Learned About Marketing This Year

Apparently, it’s the time of year where everyone recaps the world of marketing in 2017. At first, we were all, “Isn’t it a little early?  We still have two full months left in the year.” Then we read this blog and we were like, “OKAY, THIS AUTHOR HAS SOME REALLY GOOD INSIGHTS.” (Don’t know why we started yelling. Jordyn started it.)

Anyway, let’s take that energy and get right to it. Here are our favorite takeaways from marketing in 2017:

  1. Content Shock is real. The amount of content that’s being published continues to increase. But, there are only so many shares to go around and the average share per post is declining. Rapidly.
  2. Less is more. Content marketers are spending more time producing less content. That’s a good thing. That means that we’re taking the time to produce quality content, rather than just spamming the internet with low-quality fluff pieces. If you haven’t taken this approach with your content marketing, maybe it’s time to start?
  3. Average Facebook engagement is declining. We already know that Facebook’s organic reach is trash, but did you know that the average engagement per post is also rapidly declining? Engagement and reach definitely go hand-in-hand.
  4. Video is dominating Facebook reach. The bright spot in all of this Facebook doom and gloom is video. The average video post in 2017 reached 12.05% of the total page audience, just ahead of photos at 11.63%, and links at 7.81%. Moral of the story? Start doing video already.
  5. Reddit is a good content promotion platform. In just one weekend, Brandwatch managed to drive 241,196 views (daaaaaannng) to a single blog post from Reddit.
  6. Timing matters. Shares happen more often during the weekdays. Posting earlier in the week makes it more likely that your posts will get maximum shares.

See ’em all in today’s Read. 


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