13 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Better Engagement - Carney
The Daily Carnage

13 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Better Engagement

“You’ve got mail. 📬

Though AOL isn’t as popular as it once was, email is still an important part of any marketing strategy. With close to 45,965,634 emails hitting a consumer’s inbox a day (we’re exaggerating that number a tad, but we’re close, right?), competition is at an all-time high.

So, how do you stand out in the email marketing crowd? Start by avoiding some of the most common email marketing mistakes out there.

  1. Monitor Your Mailing List.

Be like Rose and let go of spam and non-active email addresses. Before you say she “Never let’s go,” let’s be real. She def let’s go of Jack. You’re right, that’s an argument for another time. 

Take the time to comb through your list and make sure your email is being sent to as many active inboxes as possible. Sounds like a lot of work? Don’t stress, there are email validation services for that. 🙏

  1. Speak To Your Audience Frequently.

If you only send a newsletter or promotion via email once in a blue moon, it might cause higher unsubscription rates. Think about it: if someone subscribes to your list and they don’t see anything until three months later, they might not remember signing up for your content in the first place.

Make an active effort to send out an email to your mailing list at least once a month. That way, your subscribers won’t forget you exist. (Since you hear from us five days a week, we know you’ll never forget us. 💌)

Read on for more email blunders to avoid👇


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