When was the last time you took a look at your own website? We don’t mean that you just hopped on to make sure your newest blog post is getting all the shares. We’re talking about giving your website a serious audit to see if it’s actually answering the questions your visitors want to know.
Well, we’ve got news. You’re going to do that with today’s Read. The author, Andy Crestodina, throws out 15 questions that you have to ask yourself about your website. Here are a few of our favorite questions to help you sharpen your site’s focus:
- Can visitors tell what you do at a glance? You have about 1 second to tell visitors what you do. Does your website help them figure it out?
- What is the best order for the information on this page? Are you answering your customers biggest questions first, or are you promoting content that doesn’t really help?
- Do 100% of visitors know the meaning of these words? Unless you’re marketing to industry pros, avoid jargon at all costs. Seriously.
- Is the content formatted for people that scan?
- What do you want your visitors to do? Too many choices paralyze people. Figure out what the most important thing you want someone to do on your website and optimize for that goal.
- Did you miss a chance to be personal and human? This one is a big swing and miss by a lot of brands. Sometimes they even forget to swing.
9 more questions (plus examples!) inside. Check ‘em out.