3 P’s to Get Better Results for your Content - Carney
The Daily Carnage

3 P’s to Get Better Results for your Content

At the advice of today’s Listen, we’re getting right to the point. No long intros in this one.

Here’s the skinny. Every piece of content you write, create, or record should have three things for success. First, you need a point to your content. Then you need to figure out what the purpose of that content is. Finally, you need to nail down the path for your audience.

Point, Purpose, and Path. Those three things are all you need for content marketing success. Okay, that’s not entirely true. You need plenty of other things, but those three are essential. Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone breaks down what that all means in today’s Listen.

We’ll let Sonia handle it from here…

  • (02:58) Point. What’s in it for the audience? When you’re writing your content, have a point and get to it quickly.
  • (04:18) Creating a content outline before you start writing will help you get to the point and stay on point.
  • (04:58) Start with the headline. Make sure it’s on point.
  • (05:26) The second P is Purpose. What is the intended purpose of the content? To attract new leads, to educate current ones, to answer objections? What’s the purpose?
  • (06:20) Every piece of content you create should fit into a strategic context.
  • (07:10) When you have a goal, you need to have a strategy for how you’re going to reach that goal.
  • (08:25) It’s possible, and totally normal, for one piece of content to have multiple purposes. Just make sure that each piece has at least one purpose.
  • (08:56) The third P is Path. You need to define what you want your audience to do after reading a piece of content. This is your call-to-action.
  • (10:20) Don’t think of this like a funnel. It’s just a way to get your audience closer to your overall goal.
  • (11:35) What’s the logical next step? It can’t be a huge step, it needs to be simple.

This podcast will definitely improve your content in only 16-minutes.


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