3 Ways A/B Testing Can Let You Down - Carney
The Daily Carnage

3 Ways A/B Testing Can Let You Down

‘Always be testing or ABT.’ We don’t know if that’s a thing, but we’re pretty sure it resonates with most marketers. 

We’re gonna get weird today and challenge the proverbial wisdom of A/B testing. 


Don’t worry. It’s cool. Stick with us. 

We’re all for A/B testing because who doesn’t want to squeeze out as many conversions as possible?

But, what if you’re on a small marketing team or heck, dare we say a marketing team of 1? A/B testing requires time, high volumes of traffic, and conversion rate optimization expertise that you might not have.

Here’s another way to look at it based from the folks at Unbounce: 

“For some marketers, a typical landing page converting at 5% might see 50 visitors a day. To see a lift of 20% to your conversion rate in these circumstances, you’d have to run an A/B test for 304 days.” 

304 days is not a viable option for most folks. 

Here’s some more food for thought on how A/B testing might let you down.

  • It’s very complex: While 95% of marketers recognize A/B testing has value for their business, 42% think it’s too difficult. Think about it for a sec. You need to have a hypothesis, a variable to test, a duration of time to test and then you must interpret the results. Sounds like middle school science class, right?
  • It can devour your time and demands tons of traffic: If you’re a small or medium-sized business, you know you need to move fast and smart. Speed and A/B testing don’t always go hand-in-hand.
  • It leads to “optimized” pages that aren’t actually optimized for each and every visitor: The one-size-fits-all approach to optimizing doesn’t work. It leads to targeting the average person, rather than the ideal customer. Let’s face it…the last thing you want is your customers slipping through your net.

If any of this resonates with you, we recommend scrolling down and checking out today’s tool recommendation. It’s absolute 🔥 and will save you a ton of time (and headaches). 


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