7 Hacks to Boost Your Conversion Rate - Carney
The Daily Carnage

7 Hacks to Boost Your Conversion Rate

Neil Patel is at it again with one of those vids we love so much —  short, sweet, and to the point. So, we’ll do the same. Below are 7 simple hacks and tools anyone can use to help boost leads and sales. Watch it for the full low-down, though. 

  1. Countdown clocks create a sense of urgency and make people move faster. Neil’s boosted his conversion by 11%.
  2. Exit Popups show your viewers why they shouldn’t be leaving your site. The really good ones can increase leads by 600% or more!
  3. Free trials
  4. User geotargeting via Maxmind can add a visitor’s location to your headline, making it more personal and relevant to them specifically.
  5. Picsnippets allows you to create a more personalized email with the individual’s name in the photo.
  6. Remarketing — this is a bit overused, so get clever with it, na na na na na na na nana (please read that to the tune of “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It”)
  7. Quizzes are a super-effective way of engaging with your audience (then you ask for their email once you’ve roped ‘em in). Neil suggests LeadQuizzes and, hey look, they have a free trial.

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