Listen up! If you’re not creating videos for your social media channels (we’re talking about Facebook), you’re missing out on a boatload of traffic. Facebook’s algorithm automatically gives a better organic reach to videos published on the platform. Why aren’t you doing it yet?
Seriously, stop reading this and start now.
Just kidding, keep reading this because it will help you get started with creating videos for social media with only your phone.
Today’s Watch is super short (only 2 minutes) but you’ll learn 4 quick tips to creating engaging video. Here are all 4:
- Get yourself a tripod
- You need a quality microphone
- Pay attention to lighting. Seriously, this can make or break your video
- Find interesting topics with Google Analytics and a little bit of competitor creepin’
Bonus tip that’s not in the video: 85 percent of Facebook video is watched without sound. Use subtitles on your sweet new vid.