Always be Tracking - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Always be Tracking

Content is king they say, but what if no one is engaging with your content? If that’s the case, it’s time to take a deep dive into those KPIs!

There are some fairly common engagement metrics you should be tracking to make sure your content aligns with your users.

  1. Pageviews: One of the most standard metrics to track. If you’re investing in content, the goal is to (obviously) see an upward trend on pageviews.
  2. Time spent on page: If you’re writing long-form posts and folks are only spending 15 seconds on your site, you’ve got a problem. Consider optimizing for more time spent on the page by assessing the variety and value on your site, ease of navigation and clear calls-to-action.
  3. Top exit pages: Tracking your top exit pages is a great way to evaluate where there’s friction on your site. While some pages are in place to serve as exits (thank you, checkout, etc.), it’s important to make sure you don’t have a high exit rate on non-exit pages.
  4. Pages per session: Are you walking your customers through a journey on your site? If your pages per session number is high, there’s a good chance you’re doing something right. Don’t get carried away though. It’s crucial to compare pages per session with duration.

These metrics are a great place to start, but we have 6 more that are equally important. 👇🏼


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