A few mind-blowing stats about MailChimp:
- They’re the 979th most visited website in the world. Whoa.
- In 2016, they pulled in $400,000,000 in revenue.
- Their platform sent 246 billion emails last year (really brings a new meaning to email overload).
Right, so those are some insane numbers. And it made us wonder, what’s their marketing strategy that got them to that point? As you’ve probably guessed, we’ve got the scoop for you today.
You’re gonna wanna take notes…
- Move People Down Your Marketing Funnel With Facebook Ads. We’ve been over this many times. Facebook ads are great for pushing people down your funnel. Doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C. MailChimp (B2B) uses custom audiences with huge results.
- Run a Truly Creative Marketing Campaign. You know how when you misspell something in Google, it says “Did you mean…” MailChimp took advantage of this by creating and advertising a bunch of fake products that sound like their name – MailShrimp, MaleCrimp, FailChips, etc. When someone performed a search for those products, Google would helpfully redirect them to MailChimp. That’s…maybe our favorite marketing campaign ever.
- Advertise Your Business Using Niche Sponsorship. MailChimp sponsors a ton of podcasts. One of the more successful podcasts they sponsored early on was Serial. They identified that this podcast would be listened to by a heck of a lot of people; some of which would be interested in their product. Podcasts are becoming more and more popular. Maybe time to consider it for your brand…
- Use a “Content Series” to Target Your Highest Value Customers. MailChimp’s highest value customers are agencies. They took that info and created a whole content hub built to help marketers in agencies. Are you doing that with your content? Or, are you just creating general content? Something to think about.
That’s only four. Still six more in today’s Read…