Question of the day: how the heck do you get people to your social media profiles if you don’t have followers yet? Neil and Eric over at Marketing School are sharing some ways to do it, for free.99.
A lot of this advice involves sticking your proverbial neck out and talking to people you don’t know. So for all you wallflowers out there, just pretend everyone is in their underwear—wait we’re mixing up our advice.
We’ll just let Neil and Eric take it from here:
- (00:44) Google similar keywords that relate to your content and find other posts.
- (00:51) Get the most popular keywords and type them in the Twitter search box. It will show you every person who shared that post.
- (00:55) Email people who have tweets related to your keywords and see if they want to see your post.
- (01:28) Harness the ol’ “If you like it, feel free to share it” tactic to get more social shares.
- (01:53) How rehashing hashtags can stimulate more engagement.
- (02:26) Leverage Insta by building “pods” with Direct Messaging where people share their posts with one another.
- (02:54) Join multiple pods, but make sure you’re adding value to them.
- (03:09) The importance of reaching out to the right people. We know you want traffic, but being selective has its benefits.