It’s no secret that Facebook’s algorithm is purposefully limiting organic reach and engagement. They clearly want you to “pay to play” and that sucks.
Today’s Listen is from one of our favorite tools, Buffer. They wanted to increase their organic reach so they started testing things. Their initial thought was that if they posted more on Facebook, their reach would increase. It makes total sense. More posts = more reach, right?
The more they posted, the worse the posts did. So what actually led to their 330% increase in organic reach?
Edutainment posts. Education + Entertainment = Edutainment. Buffer tries to only post content that is both educational and entertaining. They are sticklers for only posting this type of content, and they only post 1 or 2 times per day. That combination led to a 330% increase in organic reach.
Listen to the full podcast for more tips. (Bonus: It’s only 12-minutes.)