Key Takeaways From Our GA4 Survey - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Key Takeaways From Our GA4 Survey

Last week, we launched The GA4 User Experience Survey to get a read on the room as we near the end of Q3. Here are some key takeaways from the data:

  • 60% of respondents transitioned to GA4 some time in 2023.
  • 37.5% of respondents use GA4 on a weekly basis, and 32.5% use it daily.
  • 40% of respondents say they’re unsatisfied with GA4. 
  • The vast majority of respondents feel that GA4 has not enhanced their workflow.
  • Users’ most commonly reported issues were UI / design (75%), missing reports and metrics (70%), report creation (60%), and data discrepancies / sampling (57.5%).

The general consensus?

“UA was highly intuitive, GA4 is much less so. It wasn’t a simple upgrade—it was a complete overhaul requiring training and adapting time that no one has time for.”

“It’s like learning an entirely new language. The refinement of metrics is nice but to change the reporting style and naming makes it incredibly challenging.”

“When I compare GA4 to UA we see troubling discrepancies, and other analytics tools point at UA as being correct.”

Is GA4 an opportunity for growth or a failed experiment? Check out MarTech to explore 5 common criticisms of GA4—and how to move forward.


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