When wizard-of-web-solutions Andy Crestodina writes knowledge on web design, we’re all ears… er, eyes? And he wrote a doozy last week that we just had to share.
A website that generates leads all day, every day is The Dream. But most websites don’t do that. “A lead generation website has a specific set of pages, each with specific elements. Each element aligns with the expectations and psychology of the visitor and the marketing program of the business.”
That’s exactly what Andy is mapping out in his latest blog post. Here’s how that map will flow. You’ll see that he’s broken up the journey into five key pages on your site: (1) Blog Post, (2) Service Page, (3) About Page, (4) Contact Page, (5) Thank You Page.
Inside each section, he outlines the crucial elements that need to be present in order to have a website that generates leads. So, a blog post should look like this, your service page should look like this, etc.
Websites following these best practices will guide the visitor through a series of steps: awareness, interest, trust, and finally action. Ah, ye olde conversion funnel.
Seriously, if you’ve been considering a web redesign or building out your first site, peep this post and take all the notes so you can follow these best practices. It’ll pay off.