Are you as obsessed with building email lists as Amy Porterfield is? She would be hard-pressed to say, “heck no!” But she is certainly exuding her excitement and feeding our own in today’s Listen. And that’s exactly why Amy is gushing in her podcast — because she wants you to be equally obsessed. Just one of the many reasons we love Amy — her enthusiasm. And the fact that she knows her stuff.
According to the list-building kween herself, list building starts with a great idea for a lead magnet, and a great idea for a lead magnet always starts with your ideal customer avatar. And there is one big question she asks herself: Where is my ideal customer right this minute, and what small but significant step can I help them make. (I guess that’s more like two questions.) If your lead magnet starts where your avatar is right now, then you are going to become a trusted go-to source.
She covers a lot of value in this, but here are the main highlights:
- (05:08) How to come up to with a great idea for a lead magnet.
- (10:06) How to embrace video when it comes to list building. Video is a new player in the game that’s getting crazy-good results. When done right, it will boost your list growth.
- (17:25) Confirmation emails and all the other amazing things you can do with them. The first email you send should build value right out the gate and immediately dial up your own authority and leadership.
- (21:33) The right strategy for your nurture sequence. She lists several examples you can include in your sequence to give you great results, like how these brands did.
- (24:45) How calls-to-action can make all the difference with your campaigns.
- (27:05) The tools Amy uses and how she uses them for her own list building.
- (40:11) How and why Amy links her original free content to her list-building efforts.
And, hey, if you wanna read the whole thing and take notes that way, here’s the transcript.