SEO Marketing Strategy: Tips for Success in 2018 - Carney
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SEO Marketing Strategy: Tips for Success in 2018

New year, new SEO marketing strategy?

According to a study from HubSpot last year, 61% of marketers said increasing organic visibility was their #1 inbound marketing priority…but they didn’t always follow through with that goal. Why?

It’s become all-too-familiar for businesses to optimize a website page and never adjust it, treating areas of their SEO marketing strategy as a one-and-done exercise. But we know that’s no way to handle any kind of strategy, right? Right.

Maybe you’re not quite sure where to start with your SEO updates. In that case, you’ll find this article from Content Marketing Institute to be a huge help. The author goes into great detail to outline ways to kick your SEO strategy back into high gear. 

Use these 3 steps to make your SEO updates:

Find your SEO sweet spot based on data & set realistic expectations – Use a tool like SEMrush to better understand what keywords are reasonable to pursue. “Reasonable” is key here. “It doesn’t make sense to pick a relevant keyword with 2,000 searches a month and expect a top ranking if you can’t crack the top 30 for keywords with only 1,000 searches a month.” Wayyyyy more on this step in the blog post.

Tweak your SEO page titles – Are your keywords at the beginning of the SEO page title? Are you consuming precious space with your company name? Including your company name in the SEO title may actually hurt your page’s ability to rank.

Explore other options that support SEO keywords – Don’t ruin your content by jamming keywords into it. Here are some ways to naturally work in your keywords and their variations: 

  • Revise headlines with relevant keywords and include H1 tags
  • Add captions to images
  • Rename images
  • Add or update image alt text
  • Create internal links from other popular pages on your website
  • Add more text to thin pages that have few words
  • Pursue inbound links from other websites

Just skimmin’ the surface here… Get the in-depth details on SEO marketing strategy inside →


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