SMS Marketing - Carney
The Daily Carnage

SMS Marketing

You know the deal. If we aren’t on social media, we’re texting someone. Texting saves us from awkward situations and keeps our minds occupied while on the toilet. (We’ve all be there, right? Right??) And, if you ran into a light pole while texting, well, we’ve been there, too.

But seriously, it’s conversing made quick ‘n’ easy, which becomes another nifty outlet for marketers to reach consumers. Told ya, Mom. Texting isn’t useless, it’s powerful.

In Today’s Listen, marketing education duo, Neil Patel and Eric Siu weigh in on how to leverage SMS marketing – from optimizing campaigns to increasing open rates.

  • SMS can be sent out as a reminder for your customers for marketing campaigns or webinars
  • Be responsible and respectful in your SMS campaign (spammy = bad news bears)
  • Leverage SMS marketing and provide value for your customer to increase open rates

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