Before you start busting out content for this week, make sure you’re sending your hard work down the right path. Today’s Listen from Copyblogger FM is a quick 3-step check that can help make any piece of content more interesting and more effective.
During an Authority sesh, or “blog post teardown,” the folks at Copyblogger noticed some consistent themes with the critiques. Sonia calls these themes, “The ‘P’ Factors,” which kind of sounds like a pet-pee verison of The Fear Factor if you ask us.
Anyyyyway… we’ve outlined them for you below. Compare them to previous content you’ve published and then keep these P’points in mind as you continue creating content. If reading ain’t your thing on a Monday morning, you know what to do.
Get to the Point. Your audience needs to understand why they should invest their time in your content, so answer “what’s in it for the audience?” quickly. Make a script or outline so you can jump to the point as soon as possible. Make a dang-good headline, too.
Purpose. Why did you spend time creating the content? Once you have a goal, you can develop a strategy. If you don’t know what your strategy could even be, this free ebook by Brian Clark offers a framework to understand the types of strategic roles different kinds of content can play.
Path to Purchase. Most of your audience is just wandering around online, bumping into you at different points. Create specific paths so that, when they find you anywhere, they have opportunities to come closer. Think about where your content should lead your audience. What comes next? Craft that can’t-refuse Call to Action — make it stand out.
Not sure where you want them to go? Make yourself memorable, create a bond, get them to sign up to your email list, etc. Make content pave the way toward your business goals.