Moms are sometimes as badass as they come. They’re our teachers, helpers, motivators — there’s certainly no shortage of words to describe how amazing moms can be. (Shoutout to our moms! Hi mom!)
With an intro like that, you’re probably expecting today’s Watch to be for Mother’s Day or something. But it’s not. Spoiler alert: It’s an ad for Hot Wheels.
In the ad, this mom is being one of those particularly badass moms, showing off some hot driving skills. Dodging obstacles, drifting, driving in reverse…the works. Hot Wheels says the ad is supposed to convey the idea that you can ~learn~ by playing with Hot Wheels. Is that a stretch? Maybe. Is the ad adorable? Absolutely. Does it make us want to play with Hot Wheels to see if we’ll learn how to drive like Vin Diesel’s stunt man? Yes.
Gotta say, this ad does it’s job.