Who wants to listen to a podcast that covers a lot of dope subtopics under one big, relevant topic? We do, we do! Today’s Listen comes from For Immediate Release, a weekly series starring experts who analyze news in digital and social media. V relevant to our interests.
So, what news are they talking about in this session?
- How AI will affect health care and how health care communicators do their jobs
- The Supreme Court’s decision to make access to social media a First Amendment right. Will corporate leaders finally ::dun dun dun:: take it seriously?
- Digital transformations
- The White House’s communications team is making the public’s perception of public relations even worse than it already was… (with the data to prove it)
- Snapchat’s shares have fallen, its user growth has slowed, and daily visits to its Stories feature has fallen, but companies keep using it and pumping money into it. Should they?
- Tech correspondent Dan York reports on the messaging wars
When you’ve checked out for the day, maybe you should tune in to this one so you can tell your boss you’re still learning something.