Why you should be running in-game ads - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Why you should be running in-game ads

Last year, ~227 million people in the US played video games and 46% of those were women. Game revenues are projected to reach $285 billion by 2027. In-game ad (IGA) campaigns are a huge opportunity for brands looking to expand marketing campaigns outside their normal scope, become more visible on low-competition platforms, or reach super niche audiences.

Types of in-game ads (IGA):

  • Static: ads that can’t be changed after a game release. Example: a video-game character’s branded t-shirt.
  • Dynamic: ads that can be changed even after the game is released. Example: a billboard in a driving game that advertises new movie releases.
  • Advergaming: a game built as an advertisement. Example: “Chipotle Scarecrow.”


  • Reach: Gamers represent a large segment of the population and, currently, in-game ads are more cost-effective than other forms of marketing.
  • Viewability: In-play ads, like banners, display during the entire length of the game. Interstitials or rewarded ads play during breaks. Ad tech companies are hard at work making these spots hyper-measurable.
  • Engagement: A report from Tapjoy found that 64% of consumers are more likely to engage with a retail in-app reward ad than a social media post.
  • Brand Safety: Advertisers can customize game genre and placements. Additionally, ad whitelists prevent ads from appearing in inappropriate environments.

Sold on IGA? Head over to Search Engine Land to learn more about targeting and KPIs.

In-Game Ads



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