You Need This 2018 Marketing Calendar & Free Template! - Carney
The Daily Carnage

You Need This 2018 Marketing Calendar & Free Template!

Did you know there’s a National Don’t Go To Work Unless it’s Fun Day? We’ll give $5 to anyone who can tell us what date that lands on. No cheating! (Disclaimer: That’s a lie. We’re not giving out money for that.)

That random “holiday” got us thinking, what other weird holidays are out there and how do we find out about them? It seems like some companies know all the best holidays and are always posting on social media about them. Well, we’ve got your new secret weapon in today’s Read.

Not only does this article have a list of every holiday you could ever want to know about for 2018, it also includes examples of what other companies have done for these holidays. You can plan now for National Daiquiri Day (7/19), World Sleep Day (3/16), or Random Acts of Kindness Day (2/17)

But wait! There’s still more. What kind of article about holidays would be complete without a downloadable marketing calendar that includes all of those dates? Yep, that’s right, you won’t even have to bookmark this article because you can just download the 2018 marketing calendar and never worry about missing National Taco Day on October 4th (Jordyn already has that one on her calendar).

We’re keeping today’s Read short because, quite honestly, there’s not a lot you can say about a calendar.

Get the calendar and all important dates here →


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