We’re recommending a super long Monday listen. (The rainy day reminded us of that classic, snuggle-up-with-a-good-audiobook feeling…)
The Thank you Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk should be a staple for every marketer. We are constantly examining the data to steer the Carney ship and, although data doesn’t lie, it also doesn’t prompt you to provide a ton of value for free just so you can show people you care more than everyone else (::cough cough:: The Daily Carnage).
But, when dumping huge media buys on ol’ faithful is no longer producing the results, it’s time to start thinking macro. In the words of Gary Vee, “Legacy is greater than currency.”
Until you get around to the book, Convince & Convert has done a great job rounding up some important nuggets. Here are a few:
- At its core, social media requires that business leaders start thinking like small-town shop owners.
- Unless you are building a new company from the ground-up, you have to be willing to embark on a complete cultural overhaul so that, like a local mom and pop shop, every employee is comfortable engaging in customer service, and does it authentically.
- Social media’s arrival was simply a catalyst for a revolution that was already brewing in consumers who were sick of feeling isolated, unappreciated, and ignored.
- When faced with two equal choices, people often buy for no other reason than they associate one choice with someone they know.
- Let the consumers decide for themselves that they really want to know you, versus persuading them that they should.
- We will one day dust off the bones of companies that fossilized because they didn’t think (caring) could “scale,” they didn’t think it was worth the effort, or they could not stop drawing lines in the sand.