The Best Opportunity to Increase Organic Traffic This Month
We’ve got an advanced marketing tip for you today, and there’s a lot to explain so we’re just gonna get right to it.
Organic traffic growth is likely a goal for most marketing teams. The problem is aggressive growth doesn’t happen just by publishing more content. Could you go that route? Probably. But we’ve got a quicker approach that’ll make a difference on your organic traffic immediately.
It all comes down to optimizing your page titles and meta-descriptions. Rather than trying to blindly “optimize” all of your titles, you gotta go about this strategically with the help of Google Search Console.
Here’s what to do:
- Open up Search Console, and click on Search Traffic. Then, Search Analytics.
- Make sure the three boxes at the top that say, Clicks, Impressions, and CTR are checked.
- Then scroll allllll the way to the bottom of that page, and click Download.
- Once that’s downloaded, open the spreadsheet and sort the CTR column by descending so that the highest CTR’s are at the top. Now, you’re going to delete every query that has a CTR higher than 3%. That’ll leave you with a list of queries to your site that have a lower-than-average CTR.
Still with us? Good. Now the work starts.
Head over to Google (we suggest doing this in an incognito window), and do a search for one of those queries that has a low CTR. Find your listing and see how it compares to the ones above yours. Things you should be looking for:
- Do those posts talk about things that your post is missing?
- Is your title as engaging as the posts above yours?
- Does your meta-description clearly explain the post in a way that would make someone want to click through?
Once you identify those weaknesses, fix them! If you can pull a CTR from 0.7% up to just 1%, that could be the difference in thousands of organic views per month. It’s worth the effort.
If you wanna see a video of the exact steps Databox takes to pull this off, well…you know what to do ↓

How to Monitor Your Competitors With These 10 Helpful Tools
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. We all know that saying. It’s a classic piece of advice.
With today’s tech advancements, anyone from anywhere has the opportunity to improve on old products or invent a new wheel, and succeed at it. Plainly put, competitors are everywhere and there are a ton of them.
So how can you manage to stay on top of it all?
Marketing guru, Neil Patel has our backs. Neil runs through all the sneaky ways you can 007 your competitors. From a strategic standpoint, keeping tabs on competitors gives your company the ability to find a differentiating factor. Find a uniqueness. Can you honestly tell us why customers will buy your products over a competitor? If not, then you have work to do.
In true Neil Patel fashion, this article is hefty but overflowing with info. Plus, it’s easy to skim through. We summed up the first five, but it’s up to you for the last five.
- Google Alerts: It’s free to use. You’ll get notified when your competitors are mentioned so you can stay up to date with the latest information.
- Social Mention: Simply search for terms, keywords, or the names of specific brands, and the platform will show you what people are talking about across social networks and blogs. This is a great opportunity for you to see what actual people are saying about your competitors in real time.
- Instapaper: Behaving like a much more advanced version of a typical bookmark for web browsers. So now, if you stumble upon some new information, a blog, or an article written by or about your competitors, you can save it.
- Monitor Backlinks: This tool can help you figure out which competitor domains have the highest and lowest rankings. It’s great information to help you learn which pages on their sites are getting the most traffic.
- SpyFu: After searching for the domain of your competitors, you’ll see where they’ve been on Google for the past x amount of years. This tool gives you access to keywords purchased through AdWords, organic rankings, ad variation, campaign success, backlinks, and content from your competitors that have a higher SEO ranking than you.
Neil continues with a bunch more! Just tap, tap, taparoo to get the info you need.
Did you know we have a Facebook Group just for Daily Carnage subscribers? Yep, it’s true. If you wanna talk shop with the smartest marketers in the game…get in there!

This JustIn: Timberlake Keeps Putting Fruit Inside Other Fruit
Crew, we have one word for ya:
Gotta appreciate the solid innovation of a blueberry inside a raspberry. It’s just plain genius.
Bai’s new commercial features Chief of Flavor, Justin Timberlake. He’s going full force with his usual quirky, charming self…we’re not fangirling, you’re fangirling!
It’s a fun 30 sec clip that you can’t help but smile at. The juice drink attempts to break through the lie that healthy beverages can’t taste great too. From their cult-like following, we’d say they are making their point.
We fully expect a braspberry Bai flavored drink to be happening very soon. If not, we’re docking Bai’s marketing team user experience points. Seriously though, the creative potential for this is huge. Don’t let us down Bai!