Q for You
Be In The Know
- Correction: Apple Safari Will Not Block Google Analytics Tracking
- Facebook Ad Ban Heats Up Heading into July, Stock Drops 8%
- Google brings free product listings to its main Google Search results
- The World’s Rarest Wading Bird is Making a Comeback With Population of Kakīs Up 30%
Happy Social Media Day, Carnies!
Ahh, social media. Could you imagine a time without it? Hang on, really think about this one. Many of us can remember life before Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and all the others. But let’s keep going back. Back in 1997, when the first social media platform came to fruition, Six Degrees.
Look at how much social media evolved over the 20-ish years it’s been around. Furthermore, the profound impact it’s had on consumers and for the marketing industry. Holy moly, someone get the guacamole!
Okay, now that you’re in a deep-thinking mindset, let’s have some fun. Keep reading to find which social media platform best suits your personality!
- Facebook: Well-Rounded. Openness. Sharing.
- Twitter: Quirky. Outspoken. Witty.
- Snapchat: Genuine. Out-Going. Fun.
- TikTok: Trendy. Innovative. Wholesome.
- Pinterest: Creative. Clever. Versatile.
- LinkedIn: Ambitious. Value-driven. Skilled.
- Instagram: Adventurous. Perfectionist. Worldly.
- Youtube: Unique. Personable. Storyteller.
Now time to get into a few of our favorite Brand accounts on social:
We’re big fans of National Geographic’s Safari Live content. NG gets one thing right, and its that communication is a two-way street. Viewers tag along with experts on an unparalleled experience, while Facebook Live offers the chance for real-time Q&A sessions.
When you think of TikTok, The Washington Post probably isn’t the first brand to come to mind. But we have to give credit where it’s due. Using TikTok, TWP was able to attach a face (aka Dave) to the brand. This move makes them recognizable and personable.
The Container Store on Pinterest is a true organizer’s dream. Sure, TCS dives into the inspiration, but what really works is their tutorials. Pinterest becomes the perfect platform to show consumers the best way to use TCS products.
Sorry, friends, we’re running out of room. We’re wrapping up with a few honorable mentions: Moonpie’s distinct personality sets them apart on Twitter, while Chewy separates itself from the suit and tie norm of LinkedIn.
Map Out Your Week with Woven
The process of organizing your whole week can be daunting. Organizing alone takes up precious time. From confirming meetings to allocating your time blocks for specific tasks, and don’t get us started on trying to plan out personal events or appointments. We’re tired just thinking about all the things we have to schedule!
But we have to admit, an organized calendar is like a breath of fresh air. Luckily, Woven allows you to map out your whole week in mere minutes with convenient, smart templates. These templates include preset time, participants, tags, colors, so you can quickly block out time in the week for the people and activities that matter most to you.
Organizing your day becomes a realistic, painless task, again. Simply map out the week using templates and go.
A handful of marketing folks on social media you should be following!
- Facebook: Mari Smith
- Twitter: Rand Fishkin
- LinkedIn: Goldie Chan
- Instagram: Jenn Herman
- Youtube: Neil Patel and Eric Siu

Delivery Zone
Y’all, it’s not the time to throw caution to the wind. It’s also not the time to panic and retreat to your underground bunker for the next 10 years. There is a balance somewhere in between, however, and that’s what people all over the world are trying to maintain.
Yale-New Haven Health brings the most contact-free delivery yet in this ad in a series of patient safety centered ads. This delivery method may not be the new norm, but at least the driver and customer have the right idea. We still can’t figure out that parking job though.
“The first rule of social media is that everything changes all the time. What won’t change is the community’s desire to network.”
Kami Huyse