5 Questions with Akvile Defazio: Marketing Fails and Micro Budgets
Ohhhhh Mondays, as far as days of the week go, you’re Thanos.
Everyone dreads the moment you start creeping up on us and wipe half of us out by noon.
But we’re sending our fam love this Monday and wishing everyone a delicious cup of coffee. We have good stuff from SEMRush coming your way today.
So SEMRush’s people got in touch with AKvertise’s people and boda bing boda boom they got themselves one awesome interview.
Akvile Defazio is president of the social media ad company and is one killer marketer. And thanks to SEMRush we get a little look into Akvile’s marketing mind.
1. What are some culprits to low performing Facebook ads?
- Be aware of broad targeting. This overlooked tactic can waste budget and cause messaging to become irrelevant.
- Make sure your ad copy compliments the landing page. Doing so will lower bounce rate and increase conversions.
- Cold audiences need to be introduced to your brand. Test a brand awareness campaign that would share your brand’s offerings. Don’t push a hard sell!
2. What business owners need to understand.
- Have a strategy before diving head first into social campaigns.
- Don’t be afraid to test. Play with CTA’s, creative, copy, and just create variations to see what works.
3. How do you create beautiful Facebook ads with a small budget?
- One way is using the Facebook’s built-in option in the ad level to select stock images.
- We personally love using stock photo sites like Unsplash or Pixabay.
4. Creating video content on a $0 budget and no equipment?
- All you need is the smartphone in your pocket and a free video editing app.
- Akvile recommends using Inshot, Stop Motion Studio, Boomerang, FilmoraGO, and Flixel for cinemagraphs.
5. We want three tips.. GO!
- Explore reverse engineer advertising. That’s pretty many a fancy way of saying spy on the big guns and try to apply their methods to your madness.
- Be genuine. If you have a passion for your brand it will rub off through your social media efforts.
- Did we say test yet? No? Okay, do that. Never stop testing!
Check out the interview yourself ↓
7 Lessons Copywriters Can Learn from Listening to Good Conversation
Have you ever had one of those realllly great conversations? You know, the ones where you walk away feeling like you truly learned something new. Those conversations are rare. But, when they happen, you remember them.
Copywriter, Nick Usborne, wants you to take some notes from those great conversations, and use them in your writing. He argues that a great conversation is a collaborative effort, and you can actually write your copy in that same way.
Here are a few of his tips for making your copy feel like a great conversation:
Lesson #1: Don’t assume the other person sees the world the same way you do
When you’re in a really good conversation, both sides are listening intently and thinking before responding. It’s not a one-sided thing.
The same thing goes with your copy…listen to your audience and try to understand their viewpoints. They likely have different problems and questions than what you’d expect.
Lesson #2: Ask open-ended questions
Let’s say you’re in a conversation and just found out that the other person is really into cave diving. You might say something like, “Oh man, that’s amazing. How did you get into that?”
That leaves a lot of room for the person to give a detailed answer. The same thing goes with your copywriting. Don’t write a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no. It doesn’t get the reader thinking.
Lesson #3: Pause and create space for the other person to respond
A quick second of silence can be really useful in a good conversation. You can do the same thing in your copy by using short sentences, and multiple paragraphs.
Lesson #5 (we skipped one): Avoid being adversarial or overly pushy
You know why you don’t like talking to car salespeople? Because they’re usually pretty pushy.
The same goes for your copy. The second you try to be pushy and sell, people are going to tune out. You’ll lose your reader right there.
Okay, we skimmed through this one pretty quickly, but it’s worth the read!
Everyone is a Suspect
We get pretty pumped when brands get a little interactive with campaigns. It’s like going for a little stroll when suddenly a delicious scent sweeps by and you spy a food truck parked right where you’re headed.
That’s happiness.
Anyway with the new movie Murder on the Orient Express coming out soon, ONline Cinema Okko is giving people from Russia a chance to become detectives in an awesome, little, quirky way.
They manufactured a dust cover for a special edition of the metro newspaper paying homage to a classic detective surveillance technique.
And people were loving it!
Okko saw campaign results like:
- 5+ million views on social networks
- over 200 mentions in the media
- media coverage to over 15 million people
- ROI went up 57%
- without any media budget