Think Fast!
Top Posts of the Week
- Oops! We misspoke on this piece of news. Here’s our correction: Do you need a marketing degree to be in marketing? Companies like The Wing are making a case for going the traditional route of requiring an education level for their potential hires
- Starting August 30th, Instagram will be retiring the “Swipe Up” link feature in exchange for stickers
- Macy’s is bringing Toys ‘R Us back with store-in-stores in 2022 for US locations
- Monster coffee has some of the cutest little monster branding you ever did see
What We Learned
Monday: Dribble gave us 11 design principles every designer should know. And while design can be a lot about personal taste, these principles are your sure-fire path to making things visually appealing. We broke down our favorite 5: Hierarchy, Alignment, Emphasis, Negative Space, and Contrast.
Tuesday: Half of the world is using marketing automation, and over half are planning to increase their use of it. Check out some more cool 2021 Marketing Automation Statistics.
Wednesday: What kind of search results are you ranking for? Are voice search results included in that? Forbes’ Expert Panel gives their biggest factors for influencing voice search optimization. Focus on your local search to do double duty on voice search results and make long-tail keywords.
Thursday: INBOUND 2021 is coming up soon! Get your free pass to this virtual event to sharpen your skills in content creation, SEO, industry trends, and all things marketing. There’s a lineup of speakers you won’t wanna miss.
Join the Conversation
Abby posted, “What’s the worst way someone’s sent you their logo? I’ll go first: Today someone sent me theirs in an excel doc. Empty excel doc with their logo pasted in.”
Phil wrote, “Anyone else just failing everywhere right now? Paid search, paid social, direct, SEO, garbage all around. I guess what I really want to know is, what is your fallback career? I was a pool boy, once. That was fun.”
Daniel made a poll that said, “If a company asks you to complete an aptitude test, personality test, and cognitive test BEFORE you can even interview, what are you doing?” (And the top answer was to run for the hills!)
Sarah asked, “Question: do you or don’t you bring printed copies of press releases to events where you’ve invited media? I’m being asked to do this and it feels a bit outdated to me, but maybe I’m wrong.” (The consensus was to always be prepared, just in case.)
Adult Chocolate Milk
- 1 1/2 oz. Chocolate Vodka
- 1 1/2 oz. Chocolate Liqueur
- 4 oz. Chocolate Milk
- Your silliest straw
- Add ice to shaking glass and pour over chocolate vodka, chocolate liqueur, and then chocolate milk.
- Shake it!
- Strain into glass bottle and garnish with a straw.
Recipe from the Tipsy Bartender
Scalemail Referrals
Everybody loves a little reward for their deeds
🍫 ☕️ 🍪 🎁
Don’t you want to reward your loyal subscribers for spreading the word about you?
Scalemail Referrals incentivizes your existing audience to refer friends so they become your own personal influencers. It integrates right into your email system and you get a personal dashboard to track your growth!
Let’s talk to show you a demo.
What animal is in the Toblerone logo?
a. A bear.
No trick Q’s here! There’s a bear smack dab in the middle of the Toblerone logo. Why? Toblerone was created in the Swiss city of Bern, near the Matterhorn peak, and the city is associated with bears.
See for yourself: