How to Win with Email
Listen up! Email ain’t dead. It’s not gonna die anytime soon either. Email deserves more of your attention because it’s still really effective. Maybe it’s not as fun as IG, but it can be more useful if you give it a chance.
If your emails are just boring automated drip campaigns, they’re likely not going to perform well. Let today’s Listen give you a new direction.
ContentPros interviewed the Director of Growth at Engagio to dig into then email strategy that is absolutely killing it for them.
Tips and timestamps for you:
- (6:16) There is a time and a place for email automation. Not everything you do should be automated!
- (8:18) Should you send the typical “marketing” email or send a plain text, casual note?
- (9:40) Don’t send any HTML emails to your highest value prospects. Take the time to craft a personal, relevant, and timely email to those prospects.
- (10:53) The difference between personalization and customization
- (16:44) Engagio gives 1 clear call-to-action in their emails. Just 1 link. That’s it. You want to give people only one relevant thing to do in each email.
- (18:44) How do you move from standard email nurtures to a personalized approach that actually works?
- (24:19) Engagio looks at engagement and who is engaging with their emails to see if they’re hitting home. If an intern is engaging with their emails, great, but that’s not who their buyer is.
- (26:55) You need to communicate with your customers on the channel they’re on, and email is where most people are. Email is not going away anytime soon. Build your email lists now.
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8 Big Questions Marketers Should Ask Themselves
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far awa— just kidding, the year is only 1973, but now you’re thinking about Star Wars and George Lucas, right? Now think like George Lucas. ::pause for dramatic effect::
When Lucas realized Hollywood wouldn’t make his movie, he made a deal: forgo payment in exchange for sequel rights. He didn’t think about the money, but instead about making what he wanted to make.
And here we are now, waxing poetics about how to apply this ideology to marketing — to think differently about how to get things done and envision a unique path to success.
“What if … we think about our content marketing like George Lucas did about Star Wars?” Just one of the questions raised at this year’s Content Marketing World.
Today’s Read shares the stories of other presenters at CMWorld and what happened they asked their own “what if” questions.
What if the story was more important than the brand?
What if we listened to our audience, not just their data?
What if we grow a community not just to connect but also to create?
See how such questions spawned success and even lifted old, outdated brands into bigger social spheres. There’s a whoooole lotta of wisdom dropped in this one.

Poop is a crap palindrome.
Okay, now that we’ve warmed you up with some bottom-tier poop humor, you’re ready for today’s Watch.
But(t)! This just isn’t poop humor. It’s pet poop humor. That’s cuter right? We’re tellin’ ya, this ad is all “awww” and no “ewww”. (Plus, it reminds us of one of our favorite clip from Rocko’s Modern Life.)
Adorably titled, “Meet Poopsie, the happy lil’ Halo pet food poop”, this spot advertising Halo pet food, which aids in healthy digestion btw, makes making #2 cute their #1 priority. How else is a brand supposed to market that shi— stuff…?
Kinda like how Squatty Potty employed a cartoon unicorn with rainbow bowel movements.
“The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”
Henry Van Dyke