Be in the Know
- Netflix might be buying Roku
- ByteDance (TikTok’s parent company) is investing more in VR and its VR headset company, Pico
- Speaking of TikTok, TikTok continues its “Made for TikTok” series of marketing tips
- Check out the 8 updates made to Google Ad Manager
Breadcrumb SEO Best Practices for a Mobile-First Strategy
Mobile-first experiences are great. But oftentimes, some SEO tactics are forgotten. We’re gonna break down breadcrumb navigations. They are often missing from mobile sites, so here’s how to use breadcrumb trails and their SEO benefits.
What are breadcrumbs?
We’re not talking about crunchy, delicious panko breading. Breadcrumb navigations are a line of links that indicate where the user is on a website and can act as a secondary navigation. They often look something like this: Home > Some Page > A Related Page > The Page You’re On.
3 main types of breadcrumb navigation trails:
- Path-based breadcrumbs
- Attribute-based breadcrumbs
- Hierarchy-based breadcrumbs (Ding, ding, ding! The best option for SEO.)
Benefits of breadcrumbs:
- More crawling – The internal links generated by the breadcrumbs help to expose all levels of the hierarchy to search engine crawlers.
- Better indexing – Hierarchical links help Google to contextualize content and correctly associate pages in the site structure.
- Higher ranking – Just as with crawling, breadcrumbs support ranking because of the internal linking. This can lead to more SERP clicks as well.
Breadcrumb best practices for UX:
- Consistently available: Breadcrumbs should be present on every relevant page that you would want wayfinding value on.
- Logical location: Position breadcrumbs directly underneath the primary navigation menu and above the H1. It’s where users expect it and boosts the internal linking power for your SEO.
- Clear start and end of hierarchy: Breadcrumbs should show the journey from the homepage to the current page a user is viewing.
- Sized just right: Keep the breadcrumb design simple and use a smaller font that the other navigation and header items on your site.
- For mobile: This likely isn’t going to match the desktop design and won’t always work as a single line or links without scrolling and anchor options. Just be sure to keep it as concise as possible.
Check out the full article of breadcrumb tips by Search Engine Land!
Q for You
High-quality videos that keep users in mind get more views, longer watch times, better engagement, and sometimes more sales. Higher quality videos mean giving people the option of captions. That’s where VidTags comes to help you out.
VidTags is a tool that helps you transcribe, caption, and translate your videos of all kinds. That includes imports from Zoom or social media. Plus, it can add an interactive table of contents. When you’re done, your video content is automatically indexed and searchable.
Check it out to give your video content a boost.
Calling All Marketing Departments of One
How many tabs do you have open in your browser right now?
We won’t judge. We get it. You have a lot on your plate.
Brands that have small but mighty marketing departments doing it all could always use some extra hands, minds, and creators.
Just let us know how Carney can help you out.

Common Sense
Everyone knows one of those guys who just doesn’t have a lot of consideration for those around them. And if you can’t think of that type of person in your life…we hope it’s not you.
Volkswagen released this ad about their driver’s assistance features that help you look out for everyone and everything. Even those guys.