Gif Game on Point - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Gif Game on Point

Getting your gifs together and making magic happen.

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6 Ways to Use Branded GIFs for Your Brand

We love GIFs.

They’re perfect for reactions, pop-culture references, and just adding that little ✨pizzazz✨ to your images and assets. But how can you utilize them in your brand? Here’s how to use branded GIFs to help your brand stand out.

  1. Twitter: Keep the conversation cute in replies. Brands can create canned GIFs responses for thank you’s, showing some love, or quick CTAs.
  2. Facebook: The four best ways to use GIFs on Facebook is using GIFs in comments and replies, adding GIFs as short videos as posts, cover photos, and adding GIFs as a post image in Facebook Groups (we see you, Daily Carnage Facebook Group).
  3. Messenger Apps: If you use Slack or other team chat services, you’re probably sending something like this to your co-workers. When it comes to other apps like FB Messenger, creating branded GIFs to use with customers is a great way of adding a little extra something in an interaction.
  4. Chat Bots: Same goes for bots! If they have an arsenal of branded responses, it can add a more personal, human feel to the experience. Some brands have even made GIFs to call out their bot being a bot.
  5. Instagram: GIFs can be added to Instagram in three ways. You can add a GIF directly to your Instagram Story (this will play like a GIF in video format), you can add GIF Stickers via the Instagram Story platform, or you can share GIFs to the Instagram Grid/Newsfeed.
  6. Giphy: Now that you see all the ways you can be sharing GIFs on channels. You need to have somewhere to put all your branded GIFs. Start a Giphy account to build your library and direct your team to these resources.

For detailed how-to’s on making GIFs, ideas, and examples, check out the full Easil article.

Q for You

Have you been watching the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?


Email capturing doesn’t always have to be from landing page forms. HelloBar is a simple, powerful tool that can place a variety of areas for email capture on your site. It displays your message and tries to capture as many emails as possible in an inobtrusive, but highly effective way. Even better, they have plenty of integrations and bars that can be used in multiple ways like for cart abandonment and specific funnel triggers. There are several tiers depending on your needs as well as a free option, so try it out today!

Scalemail Polls

Ask around and find out.

The best way to get tot know someone is to questions. As a brand, you can do just that with your own audience using Scalemail Polls.

This system is your built-in polling system for your current email or site.

We can show you how it’s done and how to gather more insight from your audience. Smash the button for a demo!

Oh, ho, ho, it’s magic 💡

GE Lighting released a series of ads for their smart lighting system set in different time period themes (the 50’s, 80’s, and this ambiguous old-timey one). The running idea is that controlling your lights, heat, security, and music all from on device would be a magical thing, but now it’s just practical.

Ads from the Past

1979, Minute Maid

“You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.”

Beth Comstock


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