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How Marketers Are Optimizing Their Email Marketing, According to Research
Slow to get moving in the morning? Get some coffee in your system. Bam. Optimized. Usual traffic on the way to work? Leave 5 minutes earlier. There. Optimized. Locked yourself out of your house? I wish we had more for you than our sympathies.
Optimization makes things better. It makes us better. It makes our work better. And the sky’s the limit. Today, Convince & Convert is revealing how marketers are optimizing their email marketing with research to back it up.
What is email optimization?
It’s a simple question, and there’s no need to overthink the answer. Email optimization is whatever you can do in your email marketing to make recipients happier while increasing ROI and conversion rates. So what are the bigger challenges email marketers face when it comes to optimization?
- Maintaining an engaged list takes the lead with 45% of marketers surveyed indicating this as the number one challenge.
- Reducing spam complaints came in second place with 37% of marketers surveyed selecting it as a difficult objective.
While these are two different concerns, emphasis on the first one can help alleviate problems with the second. In other words, improving the relevancy of content will help with engagement and will decrease the perceived spamminess of an email.
Get the Fundamentals Right First
Don’t put the cart before the horse. Optimization begins before you send the email. Lock down the design of your email and make sure it looks good across desktop, mobile, and different browsers. Breaking down what marketers said in the Email Marketing Optimization Survey:
- Design was at the top of attributes to test prior to launching email campaigns with 43%. The design needs to work and create an easy flow of information.
- Deliverability was next with 36% of those surveyed saying it was one of the most important attributes. Deliverability is crucial because without it you won’t have any engagement at all. Go figure.
There’s more where that came from, go see the rest!
Q for You
List Goal
We all have goals. Work goals, relationship goals, personal goals, etc. Some of you might still be on top of the goals you set for the new year. Nice work! For the rest of us…well…setting a goal is a goal in and of itself. Props to us! If one of your current goals is growing your email list, then you’ll want to see what List Goal can do for you.
Just connect your email service to List Goal and it will begin making recommendations for things you can tweak for better results. This tool looks at things like deliverability, unsubscribers, and daily subscriber count to find ways to help you grow faster.
Work With Us
How many of y’all are eager to exercise your green thumbs this spring? The promise of some home-grown tomatoes is more than enough to get us digging in the dirt.
If you have business goals to bring to fruition, there’s no time like the present to start. We’ve helped tons of our clients bring projects to life, so let us know how we can get into the weeds with your business to help you cultivate something excellent.

One Upper
Not everything is a competition. We’ve all met someone who always has to top something you say. “Oh, you made that vase in a pottery class? I’ve actually been doing pottery since before I could walk and I just built a 3 story house out of pottery. But that vase would look sooo nice in the 2nd guest room!”
Tostitos brings us an ad with friends Kate McKinnon and Dan Levy one-upping each other. Definitely over some sort of cool accomplishment, right? Nope. It’s a battle of who can better define the spice of a chip.
“New ideas are sometimes found in the most granular details of a problem where few others bother to look.”
Nate Silver