Be in the Know
- Game of Thrones officially ended last night (no spoilers here). Before it did though, over 1m disappointed fans took to to sign a petition to have the final season rewritten.
- Spotify wants to know your listening habits when you drive, so they’re releasing hardware called ‘Car Thing.’
- Google knows about all of your online purchases. Almost all of them.
- We hit 5k members in our Facebook Group. Join some fire conversations here.
Don’t Do This With Your Title Tags
Here’s a short and sweet one for your Monday SEO tactic.
The folks at Search Engine Journal do a killer job with their ‘Ask an SEO’ section.
A recent question came through regarding title tags. Basically, a company was putting their company name in the back of the title tag of every page. As a result, it was never seen on the Search Engine Result Page. Yikes!
According to W3 Schools, the title tag (technically, the HTML title element):
- Is required in all HTML documents and it defines the title of the document.
- Defines a title in the browser toolbar.
- Provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites.
- Displays a title for the page in search-engine results.
Most SEO professionals agree that title tags should do the following:
- Include a description of the content on the page.
- Be relevant to the topic.
- Be short enough to be readable in the search results.
Takeaway: Determine if your brand name provides any real value to the customer or the search. If it doesn’t, don’t include it in your title tag.
Care Cards
Considering it’s Monday, we thought this tool was fitting and/or just kind of fun to play with.
It’s called ‘Care Cards.’
Care Cards are your reminder to take care of yourself, one little tip at a time. Give it a try.
Behind the Music
Apple pays tribute to the UK music scene in its latest ‘Behind the Music’ spot. Check it out.