Halloween Carnage 🎃 - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Halloween Carnage 🎃

We typed this wearing vampire teeth.

Trick or Treat!

(psst – the answer can be found at the bottom)

What is this year’s most popular Halloween candy in the U.S.?

(hint…we all know it will never be candy corn)

Top Posts of the Week

What We Learned

Monday: Google Analytics is in its newest generation called GA4 and that means a whole set of updates to data tracking. ReadWrite went through the 7 benefits of GA4 including mobile app tracking under one property, better reporting, and predesigned actions. One thing we love to remind marketers about is that it’s best practice to use both GA4 and Universal Analytics. 

Tuesday: You know the popular saying, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Getting a marketing campaign together does mean mapping out a plan. But where do you start? Luckily, Semrush gave their detailed guide to effective marketing campaigns so you can ask all the right questions.

Wednesday: Marketing done for movies can give some amazing strategies ideas. Horror movies especially get pretty creative. See for yourself…


SHARE IT: bit.ly/carnagehorror

Thursday: As a marketer…what gives you the willies? Is it server issues? Scary clients? Maybe your own inbox? Propelrr gave a list of 12 horrifying things to marketers. We warn you, these are all based on true stories and might give you some terrible flashbacks.

Join the Conversation

Danielle shared, “god i love this time of year”

Frank asked, “I have a US tech client who wants to get his company on Wikipedia, but keeps getting rejected. The page is already written. Anyone have experience in getting past the guardians of that gate?”

Jessica wrote, “Do you feel like your undergrad prepared you for your full-time job? I’m feeling like there’s a lot that was never covered in my marketing degree.”

Kaylan posted, “Any one manage webinar programs and use marketo? I’d love to hear how you set up reporting.”

Witch's Boozey Brew 🧙‍♀️


  • 2 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur
  • 1 oz of Vodka (optional)
  • 2 1/2 oz orange juice
  • 2 1/2 oz lemon lime soda
  • Black sugar (optional)


  • Add ice to a cocktail shaker and pour Midori, vodka, and orange juice in.
  • Shake it like a spooky, scary skeleton.
  • Rim martini glasses with black sugar if you’re feeling it.
  • Pour in the mix, soda, stir, and serve.

Recipe by The Chunky Chef

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Ads from the Past

1980, Mattel, Inc.

What is this year’s most popular Halloween candy in the U.S.?


d. Reese’s Cup

According to The Candy Store, Reese’s Cups reign supreme. Check out their list of favorites state by state.


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