Inspo Everywhere ๐ŸŒˆ - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Inspo Everywhere ๐ŸŒˆ

I like big fonts and I cannot lie. These other blogs can’t deny.

Be in the Know

Dad Descriptions for Design Blogs

Creative Boom has a recent list of 50 of the Best Design Blogs. It gives lovely, thoughtful summaries of what these blogs are all about.

Yeah, weโ€™re not gonna do that. In honor of Fatherโ€™s Day coming up, weโ€™re gonna give blunt, condensed versions of those descriptions (just like any dad would describe anything). Here are some favs from Creative Boomโ€™s list:

Creative Boom, as a design blog themselves, gives a full list of 50 design daddies to check out.

Go get inspired!

Q for You

Speaking of Pinterest, do you use it?

Paper by WeTransfer

Inspo is everywhere, and mobile af. Paper by WeTransfer is an app answer to getting creative inspiration, coloring to relieve stress, playing with textures, or jotting down your own inspired thoughts and designs. Paper has stylish, dreamy pages at the ready for you to get started, or you can just go to town. You won’t know unless you try it. Check it out for the iPhone and iPad.

Give it a SHOUT

The Daily Carnage is your digital marketing newsletter that gives you bite-sized news, marketing strategies, and other stuff all wrapped up in quippy, bad joke-telling writing. Our audience loves us for it.

Creative and marketing professionals hit us up for the tools and tactics that we share. Have something worth giving a shout, too? We got you.

Let’s talk about getting your stuff on the Carnage.

Pin It Proudly

Discovery. Inspiration. Normalization. Pinterest’s ad tells stories of multiple queer people and how the online world helped their journeys as well as what Pride means to them. The ad is shot beautifully and the stories are just as beautiful to hear from these people around the world. It shows the community often found on the internet, especially for subcultures Pinterest helps facilitate.

Ads from the Past

1960, Babe Ruth

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Albert Einstein


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