Be in the Know
- It’s happening. Instagram is actually testing hiding like counts. 👎🏼 or 👍?
- Facebook Messenger coming to a desktop app near you. The app will debut later this year.
- After 2 years of testing, Creative Commons is officially live. Access a bunch of free content in the public domain here.
- Garmin adds menstrual cycle tracking to smart devices.
Master the Follow-Up
Dear {Person},
Just following up on my last email. Would love to connect. Let me know a good time.
{Your Name}
Ah, the dreaded follow-up email. Let’s face it. We’ve all been there. A couple of days or even a week go by and crickets.
So, how do you nail the follow-up email?
- Go back in time: Did your first email include a legitimate close? We’re not talking about a vauge one-liner stating “I’d love to connect,” or something along those lines. We’re talking about a close like this…”Are you free to talk on Friday at 1pm?” Takeaway: Always include a specific close.
- Keep it fresh: As tempting as the copy and paste buttons are, stay away from them. Look at each email as a chance to try something new. From your subject line to your CTAs, treat each email differently.
- Be chill: When you follow up too soon, you risk coming off as desperate. Don’t do that. Wait at least 1 week between your first email and your follow-up.
- Say no to clickbait: We all want our emails to be opened and read, but clickbait for biz dev just ain’t cool. Don’t use subject lines like Re: Our call last week if you never had a call last week.
- Don’t give up: If you sent 4 emails and haven’t heard anything, it could be time for a breather. By breather, we mean wait a few months and send a follow-up. Potential clients have different needs at different times. Be patient.
Let's talk
at 2pm
300 Million Images
We featured this in the news section, but it’s kind of a big deal (hence making the ‘tool’ section).
Creative Commons new search engine gives you access to over 300m images.
What is Creative Commons (CC)?
CC is a resource for free and legal images to use on the web.
Bridges on Bridges
Jeff Bridges continues his beer tour ad spots. Bridges had his first round with Stella during the Super Bowl. His second round is on Amstel Light in this oddly charming commercial.