More Than A Feeling - Carney
The Daily Carnage

More Than A Feeling

Amazon Ad tips and snowy Boston ballads.

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8 Advanced Amazon Ad Tips to Improve Your Sales

Amazon has seen another successful shopping season with tons of brands benefitting. It’s the ultimate marketplace, and its value to businesses and consumers cannot be understated. Visit your Amazon strategy with 8 advanced Amazon Ad tips to improve your sales from Neil Patel.

  • Use Long-Tail Advanced Amazon Keywords to Find Users With Strong Purchase Intent. If you target a niche keyword on Amazon, then people searching that keyword are more likely to buy since they already have a better understanding of what they want. Furthermore, the more focused your keywords are, the less competition there is likely to be. Focus on targeting the right people.
  • Use Sponsored Brands to Increase Brand Awareness. When people search for something and see your brand over and over again, they begin to recognize you as a brand aligned with their search. Whether or not they purchase from you the first time (or even the first few times), they will be more and more aware of who you are, what you offer, and how your offering can help them.
  • Analyze Your Product Level Profitability to Boost Your Profit Margin. As a business, you need to maintain a certain profit margin for each of your products. If the margin between cost and revenue for a specific product is small, then odds are PPC spend for that product will eat away too much of the already-small profit margin. Align your PPC efforts with more profitable items, so you can still keep a profit after taking your ad spend into account.
  • Use the Advanced Amazon Ad Placement Report to Tweak Your Campaigns. The Ad Placement report will do a lot to inform your decisions when it comes to spending on Amazon. Sometimes, your ad will perform better halfway down a results page. Refer to this report to gain insights into which campaigns need more of your attention.

Read on for more tips on priming your ad strategy for success.


Taking a shot in the dark isn’t the most effective keyword targeting strategy. You need data to inform your decisions and the keywords you’ll target. When it comes to targeting the right Amazon keywords for your brand, look to MerchantWords.

This tool has amassed over a billion Amazon searches since 2012 and allows users to sort through the nearly endless array of data the program collects. Determine search volume for different keywords so you can improve your ad strategy.

The Holiday Beerman

We’ve got plenty of songs about our beloved holiday characters. Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town to name a few.

Coors Light put together this ad showing us a jam from these Christmas creatures. In this case, it’s not a Christmas song like you’d expect. No, they’re belting out some Boston for the world to hear.

Ads from the Past

1980, Rappers

“When you start with what’s at stake for the buyer, you earn the right to their attention.”

Jake Sorofman


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