Motor Oil for Your Clothes - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Motor Oil for Your Clothes

…you’re gonna have to dig deep to find what we’re referencing here.

3 Google Analytics Reports Every Business Should Monitor

Let’s talk about Google Analytics (GA) for a hot second (or really however long it takes you to read the next 300ish words).

GA is an amazing tool, but it’s also really confusing, complicated, and can be overwhelming. If you’re not sure where to start with Google Analytics, allow this post from DigitalMarketer to help.

They’re diving into the 3 most important reports that you have to look at in GA.

Google Analytics Report #1: Source/Medium Report

This is one of the most important reports from GA. It tells you where your traffic is coming from to get there, follow the path: Acquisition → All Traffic → Source/Medium.

Ignore the graph at the top of the page and focus on the chart underneath it. This chart will give you average stats for your website. Take those averages and look for anomalies. For example, let’s say your average bounce rate is 34.37%. But, your Facebook bounce rate is 66.59%, that’s probably something worth digging into. Why is FB so much worse?

Google Analytics Report #2: Landing Pages Report

Google Analytics defines a landing page simply as the first page someone lands on when they arrive at your website. To get to this one, the path is Behavior → Site Content → Landing Pages.

So what are you doing with this report? Same thing as before. Look at averages, and then anomalies. You’re also going to want to add a secondary “dimension” to this report. This will help you identify the behaviors from different traffic sources once a visitor hits your website.

To do this, look above the chart and click: Secondary dimension → Acquisition → Source/Medium. Now what? Dig deep.

For example, look at how your Facebook traffic vs. organic traffic interacts with your homepage. Does one have a higher bounce rate, longer average session duration, or more pages per session? If so, try to figure out why.

Well, there are your 300ish words. Read the full piece from DigitalMarketer for the third report and more tips on all three of them.

You ever wonder who writes and publishes this newsletter every single day? It’s written by the creative team at Carney — a full-service digital agency.

If you’re looking to make your marketing truly creative and actually effective, we’re the team you gotta talk to first.

Building Better Customer Experiences

Fact: customer experience is to marketing what Heinz ketchup is to condiments. Get what we’re saying?

Basically, people are crazy about Heinz being the best ketchup (’cause it is), and you gotta bring that same passion to customer experience in marketing. Endlessly insist it’s the only thing that matters in marketing.

So how do we make sure customer experience matters? Moz is helping us embrace out-of-the-ordinary tips for an improved customer experience.

The crew at Moz isn’t trying to say, “do this not that,” but more of a “do something extra.” It’s like giving your significant other flowers on a Tuesday that isn’t a holiday, anniversary, or a “please forgive me” kind of thing.

Anyway, here’s how you can stray from the norm of emails, newsletters, and surveys:

1. Follow them on social media. There’s a tool called FullContact. It takes your email list and spits out the corresponding social accounts. That way you can follow your customers so that you can keep better tabs on their expectations of you.

Another nifty tool is Nuzzel. Out of all the people you follow on social, Nuzzel will tell you what they share and what they’re engaged in.

2. Post-sale monitoring. In a customer opinion, are you doing awesome things or are you super annoying? Really try to pay attention to the conversation you are having with a customer.

3. Better content. Today’s mindset seems to be, “get the freshest, newest content out there every single hour!” Okay, that may have been a little exaggerated…but still.

Moz recommendations rekindling old flames with older content. Basically, just take an article that did well in the past, simply update it, and promote it again.

Another option is taking a previous long-form blog (like 2000 words) and making it a short video that highlights the main points. There’s no need to create new content non-stop. Just find creatives ways to update old content.

This blog by Moz also comes with a video. So you get all the choices today ↓

Create Your Memories

Is there anything better than the smell of fresh air and the beauty of the outdoors? No. No, there isn’t anything better.

Today’s Watch is definitely geared toward fans of the great outdoors. It follows a group of friends and their adventures in Georgia’s National Park (the country, not the state). The stunning visuals make us incredibly jealous. So jealous that we’re packing our bags for Georgia.

Is this the most exciting ad? Ask our resident outdoorsman, Mark, and he’d probably say, “You’re dang right it is. Look at those trees! And the color!” (Not sure if that’s really what he would say, but I’d bet money it’s close.)

Anyway, in case you haven’t figured it out, the visuals are breathtakingly well done and will definitely have you wanting to go to the National Parks of Georgia.

“Content marketing is the gap between what brands produce and what consumers actually want.”
Michael Brenner

Ads from the Past

Apparently in 1952, you could spray women with water and they wouldn’t care. Why? Because their clothes are treated with the same oil you’d use in your car. Duh! That makes total sense.

Excuse us while we dunk our clothes in some motor oil…


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