3 Ways To Connect Audiences From AdWords to Facebook For Better Conversions
Consumers aren’t playing hide and seek with us. We know exactly where they are. They’re over with Facebook and Google.
Instead of choosing one platform over the other, AdEspresso is showing us how to connect with audiences from Adwords and Facebook to create a continual engagement cycle for overall better results.
We’re jumpin’ right into this one.
Retarget Google AdWords leads with custom files on Facebook
You’re taking the high quality leads Google AdWords provides and then turning them into a Facebook Audience. Simple.
This approach will take already interested parties who are searching for your business on Google, and retargets them with personalized ads on Facebook.
Not only does this increase your brand awareness but personalized marketing can increase your sales by 10% or more. Who doesn’t want that?
Appeal to specific market segments from Facebook with AdWords
Wish you could bring Facebook’s insanely creepy targeting options over to AdWords? Yeah, we do too. Here’s how to transform your specific Facebook marketing segment into a Google audience.
- First off, you will want to create a brand new saved audience on FB. Proceed as normal, but include things like demographics, and get really narrow with added interests.
- Set up UTM tracking tags before running your traffic campaign
- Paste your newly created UTM landing page link into the URL box, and you’re ready to target market segments directly on AdWords.
Combine Google Shopping and Facebook Ads
Keep interest high by targeting Google Shopping buyers who have searched for your business/products and show them ads on Facebook.
Just use the same UTM strategy as you would in the previous section or create a specific shopping landing page.
Think about it… some people may be more receptive to AdWords Ads and others may prefer Facebook. This way, you’ll be increasing conversions and brand awareness across Google and Facebook to the same groups.
Both Facebook and AdWords offer different tools and ways to target your audience. At times it may even seem like you’d be better off focusing on one or the other. Rather than choose, you can use these techniques to combine your efforts, increase your ROI, and brand awareness.
It’s a win win win, no matta what! Feel like you need more detail and visual help, AdEspresso has your back!
How to Tell a Story
We’re welcoming a newcomer to the Daily Carnage today. That’s right a publication that we’ve never linked to before. It’s a little publication called, The New York Times. Heard of it?
Anyway…Not only is the NYT made up of amazing journalists, many of them are excellent storytellers. One thing all marketers need to know is how to tell a story. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in or what side of marketing you’re on, if you can tell great stories in your content, people will pay attention.
So, read on and learn from the pros at NYT about how to tell a story that people will pay attention to.
The Bottom Line
You have to practice. Just about no one is born with great storytelling skills. The ones who are good at it have practiced…a ton. So start practicing by writing stories, telling stories, whatever you gotta do.
What Story Should You Tell?
Go with personal stories. You’re marketing to humans and everyone can relate on that level. But remember who your audience is. You wouldn’t tell a story the same way to a CEO as you would to an individual contributor.
Always write with your audience in mind. And don’t forget that your audience might change from piece to piece too!
Structuring Your Story
If you Google, “how to structure a story,” you’re going to find advice on the 3 C’s of storytelling, and the four C’s, and five C’s, and so on.
We recommend you stick with just two C’s – Character and Conflict.
Start with your characters. Whether it’s yourself, your family, a friend, whoever, introduce them quickly. And create a strong description of that character. Help your audience visualize the person.
Then, bring your conflict in. Introducing your character(s) first will help build empathy and understanding. After that, building your conflict with rising tension will keep someone engaged.
Once you’ve got that, you’re eventually going to hit the climax of your story. Don’t end it there, though. Always bring it back to a relevant takeaway that people will remember.
Plenty more to read here. You know what to do…
No Regrets
What’s on your bucket list? Travel the world. Find your one true love. Solving a Rubix cube while skydiving. Be comfortable with who you are.
Whatever you’ve been itching to accomplish with your time here on Earth, 5 Gum wants to encourage you to go out and do it. Now. No more self-doubt. No more, “Oh, maybe I’ll do that next summer.” Right meow!
Looking back on life so many people come to realize it’s not the things they did that they regret, but the things they didn’t do.
5 Gum’s newest ad campaign introduces us to five different people who share their stories of the things they regret not doing. Their stories were then showed to a handful of younger people who were instantly inspired to live out their dreams for them, because life has no time for regret.
These commercials will not only pull right at your heartstrings but by the end, you’ll be ready to get up and tackle whatever it is that’s still on your bucket list.
So, what are you waiting for? Watch all five, or just one. Whatever floats your boat.