Be in the Know
- Poshmark officially launches their Brand Closet program for large brands to sell on the platform
- Twitter shares video creation tips to help you out with inspiration on their platform
- Spotify released their latest revenue and growth stats and it’s looking great for advertising
- The flood gates for marketing vape products are opening as Bidi Vapor’s requests the FDA to reconsider their Marketing Denial Order
12 of the Scariest Things for Marketers
Based on true stories…
Spooky season is in full swing. And what better way to celebrate than to talk about the things that make marketers wake up in cold sweats and quiver in fear? For the most part, we are strong freaks of nature that can handle tight turnarounds in an always-changing industry. But we can still get the scaries.
Here are the top horrifying things marketers are afraid of:
- Unreasonable Asks: Clients or bosses that ask for the impossible (on tiny tiny budgets).
- The EOD Deadline: It’s so far, yet so close…
- Internet Issues: Please, we are begging for mercy.
- Failed Jokes: You win some, you lose some.
- The Red Pen: Getting your work thrown to the slaughter with copy changes.
- Shifting Directions: “Back to the drawing board” can make anyone scream internally (or out loud).
- Social Media Comments: Did you know the comment section is actually a circle of Hell?
- Missing Data: Messed up data tracking? We hope you’re not afraid of being in the dark.
- The Budget: The scary dollar signs that disappear like ghosts in the night.
- Zero Conversions: A nightmare you wish wasn’t real.
- Grammar: Unless you have a copy editor with mad skills, grammar is terrifying.
- The Witching Hour: Late-night emergencies make us shudder.
What are your biggest fears? Propelrr’s list came with some spooky gifs and examples, so check it out!
Q for You
Know Your Visitor’s Journey with Oribi
Have you ever wanted to take a magnifying glass and inspect how your visitors flow and behave through your funnels? What makes them convert, or better yet, what doesn’t make them convert?
Let the Visitor’s Journey feature on Oribi be your best site activity detective tool. All the data is laid out for you and you’ll be able to:
- Track every action your visitors take
- View any visitor’s individual journey
- Filter sessions by any variable like length, action, channel, demographics, and more
- Check out what your highly active visitors are doing and compare how they are different from those who don’t convert
- Discover the most common actions visitors take with the Visitor’s Journey Aggregator
Understanding your visitor’s behavior on a granular level gives you golden opportunities to optimize your site. Start a 7-day free trial and unleash the metrics that matter with Oribi’s codeless integration.
Scalemail Polls
We love asking questions because it’s a great way to get to know you guys.
Wanna do the same for your newsletter? Scalemail Polls is your nifty tool to do it. This polling system is integrated right into your existing email platform, making it easy to ask Q’s the source and in the moment.
Hit us up and we’ll tell you all about it.

Nothing into Something
Something always starts from nothing. And nothing will ever happen unless you do something.
Fiverr’s new campaign is all about those ideas of nothing. They are cleverly displaying that something happens with their network of thousands of professionals across every field you can think of.