Top O' the Mornin'🍀 - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Top O’ the Mornin’🍀

Press your luck with content refresh tips, plus St. Paddy’s themed Watch.

Be in the Know

25 Tips for Updating Old Blog Posts for SEO & Boosting Organic Traffic

Perfecting SEO with minimum effort, oh yeah! Databox asked over 100 marketers how to approach a content refresh and here are some of those tips.

  1. Consolidate mid-performing content. Round up old blog posts with similar topics and combine them. This tactic adds non-fluff length to the original post, eliminates duplicated content, and strengthens quality.
  2. Update meta tags for keywords with a low CTR. Click-through-rate explains how many people see your content and are compelled to click on it. If the CTR is low, try re-writing the title and meta description with more attractive language.
  3. Improve your search intent match. Does your content fully answer questions a searcher could ask in Google?
  4. Link to new research studies. Outdated resources ages blog content like milk sitting out on a hot day. Update your content with the latest data reports to maintain relevance.
  5. Change the alt text of your images by keeping the description under 125 characters and about the actual image. This isn’t a space for keyword stuffing. Alt text improves accessibility and image SEO.
  6. Avoid making too many drastic changes. The point of a content refresh is to add on to its value. Try updating small segments of a content piece at a time instead of an overhaul.
  7. Add expert quotes. Capitalize on expertise by adding credibility to the post with external links, authoritative quotes, and relevant stats.
  8. Remove brand-specific mentions. The brand example you used to show off a strategy may have worked at the time, but can become another way for your piece to look outdated. Update those brand examples or look for something more generalized.
  9. Repromote your updated blog post. Go ahead and repost your content on social media or try to get it shared by other sources.

We barely scratched the surface on this one. Click through to get the goods!

The New Normal

Welcome to day 2 (or more) of working from home. How’s everyone doing?

Yesterday we asked how we can help you navigate the new normal. And boy, did you answer! There were a lot of common themes that we’ll hit on the in the coming days and weeks, but the most common ask was – how do I manage my team remotely?

Even in the best office cultures, a shift to working remotely can throw folks for a loop. The most important thing is communication. Face time is still important (even if you’re dressed in PJs from the waist down – I see you.)

Make time to regularly check in with your employees via video: one-on-one, face-to-face. The agenda? Provide direction, feedback, and the resources your team members need to succeed. Zoom and Google Hangouts make it simple to stay in touch; be sure to turn that video on! (Costumes optional)

Read more tips for managing remote teams from Inc:

Let's Work Together

If you build it, will they come? Carney can help you get your search house in order.

A St. Patrick’s Day Message From Guinness

Although there may not be parades in the streets this year, St. Patrick’s Day is here. So wherever you are and whoever you’re with, keep the spirit alive and be good to one another.

That’s exactly the message that Guinness is spreading. As you raise a glass, be sure to raise each other up as well.

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1941, Kellogg’s Rice Krispies

“Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don’t want to press your luck.”



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