What's in a (Brand) Name? - Carney
The Daily Carnage

What’s in a (Brand) Name?

Your name matters more than you think!

What’s Your Inbox Reputation & How Can You Improve It?

You ever wonder what an email subscriber thinks in those first few nanoseconds when they see your brand’s name in their inbox?

The folks over at Litmus did some research and found that 42% of your subscribers look at your name before deciding to open an email. Basically, your name is almost as important as the subject line.

If a subscriber has gotten used to getting killer content from your brand, they’re more likely to open your email. If they’ve gotten used to you sending junk, they probably won’t open your email. No matter how good the subject line is.

Your brand’s email reputation is what we call inbox reputation. It’s a crucial piece to email marketing, but one that’s usually ignored.

If your inbox reputation is bad, you gotta improve it. That’s why one of Carney’s email marketing experts, Rich O’Donnell, wrote this killer piece about how to improve your inbox reputation.

Rich suggests looking at each piece of email marketing separately.

  • The tool – Start by looking at how you’re sending emails and the strategy behind that.
  • The mindset – Consistency is key here. To improve your reputation (and eventually your open rates), you have to focus on consistently sending great emails. This could take months, but it’s worth it!
  • The method – You need a method behind your email marketing madness.
  • The results – Just like the stock market, you shouldn’t focus on individual days of open rates. Rather, look at them based on frequency. If you send emails daily, monitor averages over a week or two.
  • The objections – There are always going to be exceptions to your rules. Well, guess what? Ignore those exceptions!

Rich goes way, way deeper on this topic. You truly need to read this if you want to improve your email marketing in 2019.

13 of the Best SEO Tools for Auditing and Monitoring Website Performance

Wouldn’t it be cool if Google created a special pair of glasses that allowed you to see your website through their eyes??? Please and thank you. 🙏

While we all wait on the production of that dream product, let’s have a lil’ chat about SEO. With Google constantly changing their algorithm, it can make your SEO efforts seem irrelevant and out-of-date.

Though there are a number of SEO tools out there to help make your strategy the best it can be, which ones are the right ones? Luckily, Hubspot put together a list so you don’t have to go diggin’ for the answers.

1) Google’s Webmaster Tools
What better way to know how your website performs in Google search than, well, asking Google? Their PageSpeed Insights allow you to look into the speed of your desktop and mobile sites. If you didn’t know, page speed is very important in the age of mobile-first searches.

2) Ahrefs
Keywords are the 🔑 (literally) to having A+ content. The Keyword Explorer tool highlights the monthly search volume and lists the click-through rates of specific keywords. The tool also highlights the parent topic, aka a broader keyword with a higher search volume than your intended keyword.

3) Check My Links
While you’re busy crunching out as much content as humanly possible, this tool checks if any links in your content are broken. It can come in handy whether a page is live or not, so you don’t have to worry about visitors clicking links that don’t actually work.

There are ten more tools you gotta know about below. 🔨

All I Really Want for Christmas

Remember that Lil Yachtly/Donny Osmond mashup ad we featured a few months ago?

Well, we’ve got a new mashup ad. This time it’s Lil Jon and Kool-Aid. What makes this even better is that it’s actually a Christmas song!

So you’ve got Lil Jon, Kool-Aid, and Christmas. This is officially our new favorite Christmas song. And probably our favorite Kool-Aid ad ever.

“I don’t know the rules of grammar… If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think.”
David Ogilvy

Ads from the Past

Ew. The 70’s were a weird time for food-related ads. No one wants hot dogs as Christmas ornaments.


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