What's the Plan, Stan? - Carney
The Daily Carnage

What’s the Plan, Stan?

Where’s influencer marketing going? Plus building your best campaign from scratch.

Be in the Know

A Guide to Effective Marketing Campaigns

Semrush has put together a FULL how-to guide on all things marketing campaigns. If you don’t know where to start, we’re taking it step by little step. Here ya go:

Start with the Strategy:

Objective + Purpose + Target Audience + Team + Budget + Timeline + KPIs 

Next, Identify the Campaign Components:

Tactics + Tasks + Roles + Deadlines + Budget + Metrics 


Ask These Big Q’s:

  • What’s Your Objective? 
  • Why This Objective? 
  • Who Do You Want to Connect with Along the Way? 
  • Who will Help You Get There? 
  • How Much will It Cost to Get There? 
  • When Do You Plan to Get There? 
  • What Does Success Look Like?
  • What Needs to Be Done?

Now it’s Time to Make the Decisions:

  • Choose your distribution channels to focus on: Owned, Earned, Paid, and Shared.
  • Choose the type of content like blog posts, email, paid ads, video, infographics, webinars, press releases, testimonials, podcasts, etc. 
  • Start developing messaging and CTA’s.
  • Map out the steps of your customer journey (this will go hand and hand with the content and channel decisions).
  • Make it look goooood. Design the look and feel of the campaign.
  • Assign roles and deadlines to your team.
  • Decide on the metrics that matter to you the most.

This is the skeleton framework to get your campaign started. The rest is up to your brand goals for where you want to take it. Check out Semrush’s full post for more examples and tips on efficient marketing campaign planning.

Q for You

Have you worked with influencers for marketing campaigns or promotions?

The Future of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has been through some ups and downs these past few years. Despite being hit by Covid-19, stigmas, and ever-changing regulations, it continues to be a key strategy to help brands cut through the social media noise and capitalize on word-of-mouth marketing.

Join Mention for a Q&A panel discussion on November 4th, 2021 to get into a serious chat about the fate of influencer marketing in 2022 with three experts from the field:

  • Neal Schaffer, an internationally recognized social media marketing expert and author of the best-seller Age of Influence
  • Joel Gaudeul, CMO of Hivency, the innovative influencer marketing platform
  • Daniel Glickman, who has been a well-renowned marketing leader, speaker, and author as well as the VP of Marketing at Swapcard

Sign up for this free session and get your questions answered by the panel of experts.


Carnage Sponsorships

The Daily Carnage is the newsletter for marketers, by marketers, sharing all things marketing.

Does your brand have something to share that our readers could benefit from?

If you have a piece of content, software, tools, or tips that Carnage readers could benefit from, we want it. We have several options for sponsored content, so let’s talk!

Wales Tails

The fun thing about tourism ads is that they get to show the top notch, coolest things about a city or country. New South Wales is no exception showing the variety of sites and scenes. It’s a visual buffet all over the place. Their slogan is a clever word play to appreciate as well: Feel New South Wales.

Ads from the Past

1964, Coca-Cola

“In writing good advertising it is necessary to put a mood into words and to transfer that mood to the reader.” 

Helen Woodward


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