Sponsor The Daily Carnage - Carney

Sponsor The Daily Carnage

We have the newsletter.
We have the community.
Do you have the content?

We’re not about reaching the masses.

We’re about reaching our community of loyal, engaged professionals.

It starts with you telling us your brand goals and ends with us finding a sponsorship strategy that fits.

Our Spots

Top Feature

“brought to you by Your Brand”

A link out to any page that aligns with your brand’s goals.


downloadable, product, service

A tailored description to promote your brand’s tool.


blog, podcast, infographic, etc.

A summary of your content’s key takeaways.


webinar, AMA, custom event

Includes registration teasers + sharing to our Facebook Group.

Custom Spot

Let’s collab on something exclusive that’s valuable for your brand and the Carnage community.

Our Schedule and Content

The Daily Carnage is just that, daily.

Monday-Thursday: Bite-sized news, marketing tactics, helpful tools, audience polls, ads to watch, vintage ads

Friday: A weekly summary of top news links, Tactics we learned, and Happy Hour content

Carnage by the Numbers


on our list of marketers


average daily open rate


average click rate

Our Audience
Let’s Talk About It

    Some Previous Sponsors

    We’ve been running a bunch of different advertising efforts and BY FAR, Daily Carnage has proven to be the best option. Of the 5 emails sent so far (3 Monday emails and 2 Friday Recap emails), we’ve gotten 75 new leads at an average CPL of about $17, which is less than half of our next best performing ad platform.

    CROOW Project Management Software