How to Hit $1M with a List Under 20K - Carney
The Daily Carnage

How to Hit $1M with a List Under 20K

Amy Porterfield and Rick Mulready give some seriously great advice from changing your mindset to scale your business to cleaning your email list.

We get the drift that Amy Porterfield and Rick Mulready are BFF’s…and we so badly want in on that club!

Anyway, we’re going to get right to today’s podcast featuring the two marketing gurus. This podcast is a bit longer but the conversation between the two make it so, so easy to listen in. There’s some seriously great advice from changing your mindset to scale your business to cleaning your email list.

Happy listening!

(08:15) What Rick sold to hit $1 mil in a quality over quantity business model.

(13:40) Rick shifted his thought process on email size to reach the 1 mil in 2017 goal. He advises it’s all perspective. Takeaway, smaller lists = higher ability to personalize.

(19:38) Second shift came mid-2017 when Rick was forced to re-evaluate the expense taken to reach his goal. Takeaway: Do things with a sense of service and giving.

(27:55) Shifting your mindset from lack to abundance with building a team. Takeaway: Why let financial worries to hold you back? Allow yourself to invest in a team.

(33:20) Release your inner need to control. Rick challenges his need for perfection and works to build trust within his team. Takeaway: For 7 days, track everything that was done for your business. Then categorize them into hourly rates. And look locally. Get help before you need it.

(42:10) Rick walks through a quick re-engagement campaign with a goal of cleaning your email list. Which resulted in a drop from 30K to 17K.

(46:20) To clean the list, Risk segmented anyone who hadn’t opened an email in the last 90 days. From there, he identified the unsubscribed from the bounce emails.

(46:48) With the list of inactive people, Rick sent a series of 4 emails over 2 weeks. He tested out days of the week and timing.

(47:25) The 4 series email was set-up to get people to re-engage, add more value to those people, and lastly segment those people based on what they clicked. In those emails, Rick added links that told him what kind of business his audience was involved in. A value-based follow-up email was sent depending on what they clicked.

(49:50) For those who didn’t engage with the 4 series email. Rick uploaded that list to Facebook to start a retargeting campaign to push engagement. But be aware, you can not retarget anyone who unsubscribed from your list!

TONS more here…


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