Disappearing Act 🎩 - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Disappearing Act 🎩

IG Stories capture attention.

Be in The Know

People Pay More Attention to Disappearing Content

If you’re not taking your Instagram Stories strategy seriously, you might want to reconsider. Recent research has found that users pay closer attention to content that can be seen only for a limited time.

In a series of 12 experiments, users:

  • Recalled 9% more of the ingredients in a video recipe.
  • Watched a Facebook video ad for 25% longer on average in Story format.
  • Focused their eyes 5.76% more on key areas of a graphic when told they could only view it once.

Why? Similarly to how consumers are more willing to pay more for limited-edition products, the scarcity of disappearing content encourages us to consider it more closely.

Apply this insight by posting promotions, contests, and announcements to disappearing channels, like Instagram Stories.

Check out Ariyh for the full download.

Smash or Pass

How do you feel about the ChatGPT-generated ad trend?

ChatGPT Fast Food Posters

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Heineken 150

Heine… Whatever

Heineken is celebrating 150 years of people absolutely butchering the spelling and pronunciation of the classic Dutch beer… or “the green bottle,” if you will.

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Dodge, 1949

Dodge, 1949


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