Dominating The Discussion - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Dominating The Discussion

Reddit, Quora, and other top-ranking forums in SERPs.

Sponsor an issue of The Daily Carnage for $500.

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AI prompt: "Sleepy robot wearing bunny ears and eating French fries."

Discussion Forums That Dominate in SERPs

An analysis of 10,000 keyphrases where product reviews rank highly revealed that Google’s “Discussions and forums” SERP feature was present in 7,702 of them.

Here are the Top Ranking Forums Overall:

Forum / Niche / # of SERPs

  1. Reddit / Everything / 7,509
  2. Quora / Everything / 3,513
  3. What To Expect / Parenting / 207
  4. MetaFilter / Everything / 176
  5. Tom’s Hardware / Technology / 139
  6. Red Flag Deals / Deals / 103
  7. Rich Steves Travel Forum / Travel / 95
  8. DP Review / Photography / 74
  9. Ars Technica / Technology / 60
  10. AVS Forum / Audiophiles / 59
  11. Audio Science Review / Audiophiles / 49
  12. DC Urban Moms & Dads / Parenting / 48
  13. MacRumors / Technology / 43

Glen from Detailed investigated further to find out if new forums rank well, how many individual sites Google promotes in them, whether or not forums on subdomains or subfolders ranked better, and whether or not the top-ranking forums are owned independently.

Q for You

Instagram is testing out a limit to hashtags (just 5!) How many do you typically use for brand content?

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AI shouldn’t complicate or obfuscate your writing. It should sharpen it.

Strut is an all-in-one, collaborative writing hub to capture and organize your notes, drafts, outlines, and brainstorms. Its flexible, customizable interface lets you view your projects in the visual organization of your choice.

Strut’s AI works alongside you in the right-hand panel to respond to prompts, rewrite selected copy, adjust tone, and cut or expand word count. And yes, it corrects your spelling and grammar, just like its predecessors. Write on.

AI is more accurate when asked to take a break

Have AI Break

You don’t have to thank your generative AI chatbot for doing its job.

But you could try asking nicely. According to Google DeepMind, AI is more accurate when you ask it to take a breather. And KitKat, our patron saint of breaks, has snatched that insight right up for a new campaign in the Canada market.

The candy giant wants you to test out adding “Have a break, then…” before your prompts, because a little break never hurt nobody, not even the robots. The data doesn’t lie.

Ads from the Past

Sir Elton Jon stands beside a Capt. Fantastic pin ball machine

Bally, 1976


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