6 Figure Ad Strategy
How would you spend a 6 figure marketing budget?
According to Mary Rykaczewski of Classpass, you run 500 ads with varying audiences and creative on Facebook and Instagram.
Disclaimer: Have an objective in mind before you start allocating money, especially when dealing with a large media buy. Are you trying to drive sales or simply creating brand awareness?
In today’s Buffer Podcast Mary walks you through a step by step process for setting up Facebook ads with a clear objective.
She even drops a reference to a secret weapon used to automate creative.
The bottom line: Facebook advertising should be a staple in every marketer’s social strategy.
Become a T-Shaped Marketer
Marketers in 2017 need to know so many different disciplines that relate to marketing. Anything from storytelling to data and analytics, it’s all important for marketers to know.
According to the folks at Buffer, most marketers are “T-shaped”. What does that mean? We have a strong base in a number of areas, but only a deep understanding in one or two of those areas. There’s just too much to know to have a deep understanding of every marketing discipline.
Today’s Read will teach you more about this “T-shaped marketer” idea and provide you with resources to improve the depth and width of your own T. After all, if you’re not constantly improving in marketing, you’re going to get left in the dust.
Rise of the New Marketing
At this point, content marketing isn’t a new idea. Most of us are doing some sort of content marketing, but do you know how this form of marketing really came about? It’s a surprisingly interesting story.
The Content Marketing Institute recently created a documentary that explores the evolution of content marketing. They look at some of the world’s biggest leading brands such as Red Bull, Kraft, and Marriott to figure out how those brands have created loyalty with content. You’ll also hear from marketing influencers including Joe Pulizzi, Ann Handley, Scott Stratten, Jay Baer, and more.
At 45-minutes, it’s on the longer side, but this is a great documentary to watch & listen to while you’re cooking dinner tonight.
“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”
Joe Chernov