The Complete Guide to Reddit Marketing - Carney
The Daily Carnage

The Complete Guide to Reddit Marketing

You’ve heard of Reddit, right? Believe it or not, it’s the sixth most visited website in the world. It’s freaking huge. And there’s a forum, or Subreddit, for almost any topic you can think of.

There’s really weird Subreddits, like one where people photoshop human arms onto birds, but there are some really useful ones — like the marketing Subreddit.

There is one problem with Reddit, though. It’s really hard to use the platform for marketing. Reddit users hate, truly hate, overt marketing.

You know what they do love? Useful, helpful content (which you’re already producing, right?)

So, if you’ve already got that great content, maybe it’s time to give Reddit a shot for marketing. MarketingProfs has the full scoop on how you can do that:

  1. Use Reddit ads. From the “no duh” department, Reddit advertising is a dead simple way to reach your audience. Ads on the platform usually appear at the top, or sometimes inline, with the other Subreddit discussions. You’ll usually want to promote content here that your audience will find truly helpful.
  2. Monitor Reddit for mentions of your brand. It’s really easy to search Reddit for mentions of your brand. When you find one, it’s usually easy enough to jump into the conversation. Again…don’t be salesy. Just helpful.
  3. Share your experience. If you’ve got a unique or exciting experience that’s relevant to your brand, share it in a relevant Subreddit. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur who has built a huge business from nothing, jump into the entrepreneur Subreddit and talk about your experience building it.
  4. Participate in Subreddits relevant to your brand. Don’t have any unique experience? That’s okay! You can still participate in a Subreddit, the same way you’d participate in a Facebook Group. Talk to other users, be helpful, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  5. Share your content. Once you’ve done enough participating and people get that you’re not around for promotional purposes, you can share content. Reddit can drive a TON of traffic if you do this right.

Phew, we covered a lot here, and there’s still more to learn 👇


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