Hey Hodwy 🤠 - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Hey Hodwy 🤠

Cashing in on misspellings and more

Do Ya Know?

Check your answer below!

During the 2013 Super Bowl, minutes after a power outage, OREO posted a viral tweet featuring a cookie in the shadows and THIS tagline:

Top Posts of The Week

What We Learned

Monday: Amazon Ads offer a unique, product-focused advantage for ecommerce advertisers. While Google Ads promises a broader reach, Amazon Ads present major opportunities.

Tuesday: Increase your conversions with these 9 simple steps to limit the distraction of bad site UX.

Wednesday: Tired of people TLDR-ing your content? Scientists analyzed over 650k reading sessions and found that these 3 elements keep people reading until the end.

Thursday: Remix your content mix with these 10 alternative content types.

The Conversation

Miranda asked, “What verbiage are you all using in Facebook giveaways to deter scammers, if any?”

Danielle asked, “Anyone here using Nextdoor for their business marketing?”

Chrisella asked, “Does anyone know of a good course for Amazon ads?”

Ken asked, “What do people use to track hours with multiple clients?”

What We're Loving

Buying: The genius “Hodwy” t-shirt that Buc-ee’s is selling after slapping the misspelling on a billboard this summer.

(Discerning Carnage fans will remember when we misplaced the apostrophe in y’all a few weeks back. Sorry yinz, Carney HQ is in Pittsburgh.)

Reading: “YOLO spending, dupes, and wealth hacking: Behind the Gen Z money mentality” by Ilyse Liffreing for The Current.

Listening: “The Twitter Fantasy” teaser from the Land of the Giants podcast hosted by Vox senior correspondent Peter Kafka.

Green Apple Moscato Sangria


  • 1 (750-mL.) bottle moscato
  • 1 orange, thinly sliced into rounds, rounds quartered
  • 1 large green apple, chopped
  • 1 cup apple liqueur
  • 1 cup thinly sliced strawberries
  • 3/4 cup pineapple juice

Two stemless wine glasses will bright green sangria and fruit slices


  1. In a pitcher, stir moscato, orange, apple, apple liqueur, strawberries, and pineapple juice until well combined.
  2. Fill glasses with ice and pour sangria over. Spoon fruit over top.

Recipe by Delish.com

Ads from the Past


Sears, 1968

Did Ya Know?

Answer: “You can still dunk in the dark.”

The tweet garnered over 15k retweets. A decade later, OREO is planning to return to the Super Bowl next year with a :30 second spot.


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