When the Fire Grows Cold
What happens when the fire grows cold? Like, when you’re sleeping in different beds watching separate TV shows. Ok, maybe not that bad. More like when your customers stop engaging and you need to fan the embers to bring the flame back to life.
Today’s Listen features an interview between Growth Everywhere’s Eric Siu and John McIntyre, a behavioral re-engagement and email marketing specialist. The two discuss using emails as a vehicle toward consumer growth as it targets behaviors specific to that business.
With plenty of incredible insights, this podcast digs deeper into behavioral marketing and retargeting campaigns. The separate bed thing really ain’t all that bad. Makes for a solid night’s’ sleep.
How to Get Off the #AgencyLife Struggle Bus
As marketers, we all work toward similar goals for our clients. Whether the job is rebranding, generating leads, or establishing a presence on social media, we all look to that ::cha ching:: bottom line.
Even with the tons of innovative methods and tools at our fingertips, we still face several challenges. Enter: the struggle. Hey, #AgencyLife is more than just our awesomeness…
Are you ready to hop off the bus and get closer to the gravy train? Today’s Read can help, with “8 of the Top Marketing Challenges Marketers Face Today [New Data].” (Did you catch the new data part?)
Here’s what you’ll see explained in the article:
- Generating traffic and leads
- Providing the ROI of your marketing activities
- Securing Enough Budget
- Managing your website
- Identifying the right technologies
- Targeting content for an international audience
- Training your team
- Hiring top talent
The Appocalypse
When you have the loot like Apple does, you’re known to make a stellar ad. Or, rather, you better. For the sake of positivity, here are some of the best, going all the way back to the O.G. iPhone commercial and the birth of the App Store.
Fast forward 9 years. What happens when there… ::dun dun dun:: isn’t an app for that? Scrambling to find your brick-of-an-iPod from 2001. Oh my god, why is it so heavy?! Losing your 200-day Snapchat streak with your #1. Oh god, it’s almost too much to bear.
If you’re thinking we’re being dramatic, wait ‘til you check out today’s Watch – an incredibly produced ad in which Apple imagines a world where apps are no longer. It’s like watching a short, slapstick film, so it gave us quite the chuckle, but also reminds us to never stop creating.
Shout out to all the developers out there – this one’s for you. “Keep making apps… The world is depending on you.”
“Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.”
Milan Kundera