Zeroed In - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Zeroed In

Sniper links could change signup confirmation forever.

Be in The Know

Increase Signup Confirmations with “Sniper Links”

According to Litmus and Mailchimp, 27 to 61% of new users won’t confirm their email after sign up, due to:

  • Friction in the onboarding process.
  • Pesky spam folders.
  • Distraction from their inboxes.

So, how can you get users to focus and confirm on the spot? Enter: Sniper Links.

  1. Add a personalized shortcut to your “confirm email” page based on the email address they’ve just entered (i.e. “Open Gmail”).
  2. Tweak that shortcut URL to include parameters that simulate a search query, resulting in an inbox that displays only your confirmation email, even if it landed in the spam folder. No distractions.

Check out the interactive case study by Growth.Design to see the magic.

Q for You

You can be honest here. How often do you access social media for personal use, NOT professional use?

Formless by Typeform

“Is this the right place?” 


…And that’s the extent of a traditional 404 page’s helpfulness. But what if it could guide users back to what they’re looking for on your site with a little help from an AI chatbot? Use the Formless conversation builder to set a tone of voice, welcome and end screen, conversation path, and visuals to answer users’ questions and keep them from leaving.


A man shows his phone screen to a conductor seated in a train

Order a Train

Did you know you can book a train with Uber in the UK? Yeah, most people in the UK didn’t either. Uber’s hoping to build awareness with this ridiculous interaction between an unsuspecting conductor and an eager Uber user.

Ads from the Past

A child looks horrified in the lap of a clown

Kodak, 1976


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